Agrindmar Global 


Waste to Energy
Oil Well Stimulation
Fuel Cleaning
Pipeline Flush

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Agricultural, Industrial, Marine & Energy Solutions

Waste to Energy

What is Thermal Conversion Technology? 

The Dynamis 3.0, two stage process  uses batch waste gasification and thermal combustion combined with oxidation. The untreated solid waste is initially loaded without the need to presort, into a primary chamber where it is thermically reacted under air controlled (starved) conditions and transformed into burnable gases and ash

​Unlike typical therma-treatment methods, the gasification reaction occur at relatively low temperatures under controlled conditions. This minimizes the production of airborne 'fly ash' particulates, carryover of toxic metals and NOx.

The gasification process ensures nearly 100% destruction (burn out) of the waste  and the by-product of ash is sterile with minimal ressidual carbon. Metals and glass in the waste stay with the ash in inert form and can easily be recovered by conventional recycling methods.

To complete the process, the gases from the primary gasification chamber enter the secondary combustion chamber where they mixed with Oxygen (taken from ambient air) and oxisized at high temperature to complete the process. The enrgy from hot gas effluent can then be recaptured for local heat, power or other energy form recovery.

Public Utilities, communities and industries, now more than ever, desire the use of clean renewable energy, as part of their energy supply strategy. We at Agrindmar strongly believe in the development of alternative energy sources that promote environmental sustainability.

Environmental Superiority

This 3.0 technology is one of the cleanest forms of energy generation. In fact, the EPA has stated that waste to energy plants produce electricity with less environmental impact than almost any other source. In addition, studies conducted in conjunction with the EPA have demonstrated that Waste to Energy plants prevent the release of millions of tons of greenhouse gases.

The Dynamis 3.0 process actively discourages many potential emissions problems such as particulates, NOx, toxic volatile metals and Dioxins. However, our systems can incorporate either dry or wet scrubbers or other emission abatement systems to neutralize acid gases and absorb other dangerous byproducts such as Mercury, depending on the type of waste type destroyed. For example, we might employ a lime injection unit in the secondary combustion chamber if the intent is to destroy large amounts of plastc or rubber such as the contents of auto demolition waste.

The combustion of primary gasification chamber gases in the secondary combustion system is usually sufficient to clean the gas when consuming standard household waste (MSW) The process has undergone over 30 tests over the past 15 years and has exceeded all environmental regulations.